Season of Creation

28 Jul 2024 by Peter Bryant in: Events and local news


The Season of Creation is approaching us again.  We again will be recognising the Season of Creation during the 5 Sundays in September.

Each year this season seems increasingly relevant, and the message seems increasingly urgent.  It seems each month we hear news that is more and more bleak in terms of the damage that we are doing to this planet and its climate.  A recent article in The Guardian stuck in my mind:  they surveyed 380 climate scientists, and asked them, among other things, by how many degrees they thought global temperatures will rise by in the future.  77% estimated that global temperatures will rise by more than 2.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels between now and 2100.  The impacts of such a rise will be truly significant for everyone on this planet.  (You can read more at:

Despite the news being increasingly concerning, there is reason, and there is the need for us to be hopeful and positive: because if we do all take action, things can be different.  The theme ‘To hope and Act with Creation’ – if we do all take action, things can be different.  We will again be recognising this September the Season of Creation: with a sense of hopefulness and positivity, not denying the gravity of the situation that we find ourselves in, with a focus on what we can do, as a church and as individuals to make a difference.

 “Just what can I do?”, I hear you ask!  “And how can I get involved?”  Well, since you asked…  Here are some events that are planned, and some groups that you can be involved with: 

Join Mudgee and District Environment Group (MDEG), or watch ‘The First Wave’:

The MDEG is active in local and broader environmental matters.  They have been speaking about proposed local coal mine expansions and the impact on local koala population and the wider environmental implications.

 They are hosting the screening of a short film ‘The First Wave’ about the Rising Tide movement and what has become an annual blockade of the Newcastle Port, where much of the locally mined coal is exported.  This event is on Friday 2 August at 5:15pm at the Mudgee CWA rooms.  You can find the trailer to the film at

Visit, join the local group, get on their mailing list, and hear more about their activities. 

Join ARRCC (Australian Religious Response to Climate Change):

This is a multifaith group involving many religions and denominations, working together to advocate for climate action.  Their big event this year is the Week of Climate Action from 14 to 24 September where they hope to have banners placed on churches and places of worship around Australia calling for climate action.  The Mudgee and Rylstone churches are planning their banners this very moment!

Visit to find out more. 

Again, get on their mailing list!

Support UCAN (Uniting Climate Action Network), and talk with your friends:

This is the climate action arm of the Uniting Church.  Some of our congregation attended their conference in May.  UCAN continues to advocate for climate action.  They also host events and workshops that encourage discussion, and empower people to have climate-positive conversations.

Visit their website where you can find more information, and get on their mailing list so that you can hear about their activities.  I was quite interested in the article ‘Uniting Church Synod Moderator Statement on Opposition Nuclear Distraction’.


When things really need to change, when things seem difficult or impossible – this can be the time when we need prayer the most.  Join us on Friday 20 September at 7pm at Mudgee for a time of prayer, hope and commitment to action.


There are so many practical changes you can make in your life!

There are so many ways in which we can make small differences in the care of our planet.  Little actions may not seem like much, but if done by all, things really add up.  You could consider:

  • Think about what you buy at the supermarket. How much packaging is involved? Can the packaging be recycled? Be careful with your waste.
  • Take your own bags to the shops.
  • Take your own cup when you get coffee. Or dine in.
  • Eat less meat. Think about what is involved in growing your food.
  • Use public transport – or car pool.

The list of things we can do is so long, and we hope to explore and learn more, and make changes in all our lives, throughout the Season of Creation.