The Gaza Diary: News worth reading

26 Nov 2023 by Peter Bryant in: Events and local news

The Gaza diary is a most provocative diary published online by the Guardian.  It is written by Ziad, a 35 year old Palestinian man currently living in Gaza, he is documenting first hand the reality of the awful situation that is contining in Gaza and the profound impact that it is having on the Palestinian people who are living there.

The diaries are found here:

In part 24 on 21st November, Ziad writes: "I have been having nightmares. I believe it is due to a variety of reasons: fear, stress, the cold weather and lack of proper sleep. I would manage to sleep for a few minutes or an hour from time to time. At first, my nightmares were about me or a loved one dying by a bomb. But now they are different, they are about not being able to find food."